Bad Voltage Regulator ...OR?

@DEcosse I'm not sure now -- been a while since I looked back there. I'm thinking it needed to be turned sideways (back parallel to the back of the engine) vertically, with the connectors out of the top - thus requiring the longer harness.

Your concern about the shaft movement is not totally unfounded -- and the shaft movement per se might not be the real concern -- I was more concerned about that location being totally exposed to the elements, and wanting to mount above the existing bracket rather than below.
... I'm thinking it needed to be turned sideways (back parallel to the back of the engine) vertically, with the connectors out of the top... .

OK, now I understand what you meant - description earlier had confused me

That is somewhat along the lines I was thinking from the get-go, but rather than standing on-end completely vertically, to mount at 45 degree angle, following the fender shape

OEM (std/classic/roadster)

Something like this .........
(yes I know, the illustration is horrible!)

That would also negate the need for extenders

Note that I have nothing 'real' to look at so can only speculate off images
Au contraire, mon ami . . . your description hits the nail on the head !

BINGO in other parlance.

An contraire, mon ami . . . *necessitates* the need for longer connectors.

Trust me on this. If it didn't I would have already mounted it back there.
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........ and rather than trying to fabricate a tricky mount to bolt to the original mounting piece or the TOS bracket, a simply 'L' bracket with the 'short ' leg of the 'L' bolting to to the vertical section of the actual battery box?
... An contraire, mon ami . . . *necessitates* the need for longer connectors ... .

You are suggesting connectors at the top, so understand that
The way I had drawn in my nasty little cartoon - with connectors at the bottom, you surely wouldn't? - they would be in approximately same place as original
Wish you could walk an inch in my shoes (we share the same size 42).

If I don't cut the existing bracket, and I don't intend to, then even that little rise to put the unit up requires a longer harness. They designed and fabricated the harness for the Touring 'just so'.
I got my mounting kit from Bedifferent and it works great! (many Thanks). I still have the stock air cleaner ducting, Tors, and the Triumph tune. Got out last Sunday for a shakedown and got a surprise side benefit! I executed a holeshot and the big Touring lofted the front wheel about six inches for ten feet or so! I guess they will wheelie!
OK - Full Disclosure - my Stator (on my Daytona) just fried yesterday

Now that stator is about 10 years old at this point and ran for at least half of that with a MOSFET Shunt Regulator, before switching to a Compufire Series R/R then an SH847 about 4 years ago (but it has done relatively low mileage in that period)

But I STILL stand completely behind the fundamental technical advantages of a Series Regulator in REDUCING the probability of stator failure.
However I do want to be open and show my failure in spite of the SH847
i.e. it will REDUCE probability but cannot necessarily GUARANTEE that you will not have a failure.

Bottom line - I STILL recommend this Regulator - especially on a Rocket with such efforts required to replace it (mine was out in about 10 mins total yesterday, from pulling into garage, confirming dead from teh isolation test and pulling the cover/stator)
And I would STILL recommend RicksMotorSportElectrics as a replacement for stator.

O.K. looks like I posted my question in wrong spot, so here goes again. (sorry to repeat) Yes I know this is an old thread.
Have done some research on series vs shunt advantages and disadvantages of each.
Wanted to hear results from those who made the change, how did it work out long term?