when u have a problem that might kill u i would want and appreciate all all opinions even if some one wrote about a go cart. to me they r all worth reading.
now my problem solved but i still like read the thread just for knowledge.
If you'll go back and carefully read my post, I think you'll see I wasn't being critical and, in fact, noted that I thought all comments were interesting. But in tires, tire size and model of bike, etc., does matter in the final analysis, and if you have someone who doesn't "catch", for instance, that a particular poster's experience was w/an entirely different tire or bike, it could lead someone to factor in very wrong info with very bad results, such as you allude to in your comment, above. Other than that, yes, all the comments and anecdotes, etc., are fascinating, and I generally read 'em all, too... but very carefully.
My problem is resolved. I had a Dunlop Elite 3 front tire fitted today and the wobble is gone. i am still happy that I got 17500K out of the Cobra and still had some life left in it.
My problem is resolved. I had a Dunlop Elite 3 front tire fitted today and the wobble is gone. i am still happy that I got 17500K out of the Cobra and still had some life left in it.
I hope so, I thought the same when I switched from Metz to Avon, as soon as the tire got some miles on it, it came back. I suspect the tire cupping causes it.
I hope so, I thought the same when I switched from Metz to Avon, as soon as the tire got some miles on it, it came back. I suspect the tire cupping causes it.
I had a low speed wobble with the OE Metz's after they cupped... I could take hands off of bars (keeping them just above grips, of course) and a wobble would develop QUICKLY, and felt as if it would have gone out of control in moments, even at very low speed - <30 mph - if I had let it go on... I've posted elsewhere on our forum about the OE Metz's being "the worst overall tire in performance and lack of longevity" I've EVER EXPERIENCED in decades of riding.... I've gone to the V-rated Bridgestone Exedra MAX, and already have well over 10,000 (have to look it up) on front & rear, with some mileage still left in both. BTW, the OE Metz FRONT was worn out before the rear, if you can believe it, due to shoulder cupping... NEVER had that with a front bike tire, prior, regardless of wear pattern - always the reverse.