Auto tuner not working.

If the light does do the start up procedure correctly then I would almost guarantee it is the Can Cable is faulty, the female connections in the little plugs are very fine and in my case was not assembled properly which resulted in poor contact, ring DynoJet or your retailer and ask for a replacement Can Cable
One more question. While the bike is connected to the computer and running, the green light in the box "System Power" is on. The box to the left says "Auto Tune Running".
While in neutral, should the light come on at all when revving the engine? I'm just trying to see if I'm getting anything to and from the auto tune box. The guys at dynojet say that a red light will come on when the AT us actually tuning. I just didn't know if it would come in with the bike parked in neutral.
The light on the software display will come on as it is tuning regardless of gear it is in but it is not constantly on however your AFR display should be working as long as you have it over 2% throttle and if it is not or you are getting all 9's across there is a com error due to no signal between PCV and the AutoTuner as I said before I would bet on you having a faulty Can Cable because the symptoms are exactly what I was experiencing when mine was faulty. You need a new cable
Don't let them give you the runaround tell them you know of another person that had the sam e problem and it is the bloody Can Cable between the PCV and the Auto Tuner

Do you know someone else in your area that is running PCV + AT if so ask to borrow their cable and see if you get a an AFR read out on the laptop screen you won't even need to take it for a ride
If I lived near by I would have no hesitation in doing so
Also have real good look at the ends of your cable if it was like mine you will see it is not right
It is only a $15 cable so tell them not to be so tight
Just out of curiosity what did they get you to change in the AFR map (assuming it is the one I gave you) or did they tell to change something in the fuel table and if so what did they get you to change
do you have the CAN terminator plug in the other (free) port?
Here is the setup. The O2 eliminator is connected to where the factory 02 sensor plugged in.

The PCV is connected to the auto tune module with the supplied cable.

The wires coming from the auto tune module are connected to the new sensor that replaced the factory 02 sensor.
Finally, these are the settings that DynoJet asked me to enter into the "Target ARF" area.