Auto tuner not working.


.040 Over
Sep 11, 2012
So, a couple weeks ago I installed the PCV and the auto tuner. Everything seemed to be working fine. After riding the bike a couple days, I decided to go in and accept the trim settings from the AT unit. The only option in the software was "Delete Table".
I called DynoJet and they had me update the firmware in the PCV and set some values, so the AT would have something to change. After riding a few more miles, I checked the software this morning and nothing has changed. They walked me through everything and all the settings in the software are correct. There is power to the AT as the red light comes on when the key is on. I'm stumped on what to do now. Any ideas?


Just a note. They had me add values to the ARF table. After riding about 100 miles, the values are exactly the same as they were.
Are you saying that when you connect your laptop to the PCV there is no trims in the table adjoining the AFR tables. Also while connected if you start engine and bring revs up so you are above 2% is it not showing an AFR reading
Yes and yes. The only thing I see while connected and running is the RPM's change. None of the ARF tables have changed since it was installed. The software says "One device connected" and the green light comes on saying the PCV is connected but the red light thats suppose to come on when the AT is working has never come on.
Also if it is not working while bike is running as mentioned before try wiggling the Can cable ( little cable between PCV and the Auto Tune) mine was faulty and they replaced it under warranty
So the AT red light comes on when ign switched on and does it flash for about 5 seconds and then stay constant