I remember seeing it in Archie comic books and being on the lookout at the beach for the bully. There was also ads for steroids I recall. In comic books. Different times!
If you will notice, not many come to your defense here. We all already know Richard well. No reason to expect him to change. Might as well let it go 'cuz he won't stop.
One good thing about arguing on the internet as opposed to face to face in the Pub Carpark is there is no chance of a getting your Ar** kicked ,Bin Der Dun Dat
One good thing about arguing on the internet as opposed to face to face in the Pub Carpark is there is no chance of a getting your Ar** kicked ,Bin Der Dun Dat
Gee I haven't seen a Charles atlas Add since I was a 90lb weakling admittedly that was when I was 14years old ,I actually bought a Spring chest expander and all I got from it was sore arms , a few years of hard work and mums good cooking soon filled me out to a decent size no sand in the face for this Aussie
This is one I bought recently at a garage sale for $5. Brings back some old school mems of me trying to impress the girls lol ( now im secretly hoping Warp hasn't noticed that I haven't put my radiator surrounds back on and am also waiting for those darkside H8rs to kick in lol )