Okay all, I've made great progress, but have hit another snag. Would love more input, as the manual isn't being much help currently. I took Sonny's and Clavigers advice, and tackled the throttle bodies. I managed to get every f'n connector undone and labeled, and got the front coil assy out of the way too, so that's good. You can really see the cam cover much better now:
Disconnected everything going to the throttle bodies (TB's from now on), and successfully loosened off the hose clamps that hold the TB's to the Transition Pieces. The manual then states, rather generically, "release the two fixings securing the throttle bodies to the transition piece brackets.".
Looking at the actual pieces that would appear to hold the TB assembly to the lower pieces, I only see this one bolt that I've removed:
On the front side, I've got everything way out of the way, but I don't see any bolts over here that look like they're holding the TB's to the transition pieces.
The manual doesn't indicate which "two fixings" it's talking about, but giving the TB assy a little tug, it sure feels like it's tightly bolted down somewhere else....
Any input would be fantastic...my brain is done for the day. More tomorrow. Thanks again all, really appreciate the hand holding for my first go'around.