Well a very wet trip across the city to meet up with Tal & his mate Gary.
Then down the Road in Showers all the way.
Arrived at the venue paid the entry fee and could smell burning plastic I think that's got to be my leatherlik panniers!
Asked the bloke where do you want us to park? He said just in the middle over there.
Turns out we were almost the first ones to show up. The other few bikes had parked under cover.
Found out what that burn smell was
@Tal plastic wet weather gear melted to the header. Lol. Holy pants for the trip home.
They had a dyno trailer on site for free

So a couple of Harley's had been on 70 and 72 RWHP. I thought might as well have a go and see what the blue beast had.
Well bugger me if it didn't come back with 142 RWHP. So happy as was the best for about an hour.
Until someone else had to put Their Rocket on the machine and above is the overlay of our two Rockets.
@Tal came in with a 153 RWHP.
Was happy for him but can't complain too much for a 12 year old bike it still hauls ar5e.
Gary said that his VMax boost would probably have had more RWHP but didn't want to show us up. Which was very nice of him.
The trip home was really wet when we got the Rakaia River bridge the sky's opened up and boy was it wet Quite a few cars had pulled off the road just before the bridge. The bridge must of had at least 2 inches of surface water on it or that what it looked like watching Tal ahead of me but with me wearing the helmet without the anti fog it was very hard to see or tell. I do have a video of Tal that I will post shortly.