Nice..that thing must fly. I still think this is the best custom mouse trap..:thumbsup:
BUT its not going to make any HP with that Exhaust.
Meds alert! ;):eek::D:roll::roll:

I think you have grabbed the wrong end of the stick this time. It is NOT Paul's handiwork - He is just commenting on the design as requested. In one of the threads on this same bike he makes it quite clear he is not a fan of this inlet. The photos are from a current Aussie Gumtree listing by the creator/owner of the bike. He says it is the last of 3 made at the time and is for sale for less than US$100.

Ahhh, it was late and the context flew right over my head AND the meds were on the wane, Ishrub.;)

Dammmm, you know me too well!:thumbsup::laugh:
Obviously it's a conceptual piece you dipwads - no where near to a finished product.

I haven't seen anything remotely looking like a turd resulting from Mr. Bryant's talented mind or hands
NO ONE said anything about our beloved MR. Bryant he did not design the TURD as you say