When I made the deal for a 2014 Roadster the dealer was unwilling to budge on the price of $15000.00 however he discounted all of the accessories and the extended warranty. Now that the 2014's are out you may find a dealer willing to discount the 13's.
It depends on the Rocket you want. The 2013 Roadster was very reasonable, the Touring is a bit more.
What area of FL are you from? The Orlando and Daytona stores were very willing to deal.
When I made the deal for a 2014 Roadster the dealer was unwilling to budge on the price of $15000.00 however he discounted all of the accessories and the extended warranty. Now that the 2014's are out you may find a dealer willing to discount the 13's.
For those able to find a dealer willing to deal, my hearty congratulations to you!
When I got mine (in Brea, CA), not only was the dealer not willing to deal on the price of the bike, we refused to lower the price on ANYTHING (accessories or apparel), and the finance guy even had the nerve to hit on my wife while I was sitting in the same room! The only reason they got the sale was they had the bike I wanted when I wanted it.
Needless to say I wouldn't go back if my Rocket was on fire and they had the only cup of piss left in the world
Sorry for the rant - back to the normally scheduled conversation in progress!