Interesting and certainly all valid aspects discussed there.
I guess i'm not more than a three star buyer for various reasons.
- Man maths .......I use it too much......and maths was never my best subject at school anyways...

......then I eventually fall out of love due to the running costs.
- I spend to much time dreaming than riding, so I tend to fantasise a great ride and then often the real ride doesn't live up to the fantasy....but this trait does lead the mind astray when adding up the buying priorities. When it comes to motorcycles doesn't everyone buy with their heart more than their head...even if they are a 4 star buyer?
- I tend to see through a bikes weak points on many of the aspects you highlight and instead see them as design challenges for after i've bought the bike.....For me, if a bike is too perfect then i'd sell it sooner than an imperfect bike because i'd get bored too soon.
- Not so much nowadays ( I now prioritize for a simpler life, less clutter in my garage & workshop and less stuff to have to maintain) but in the past I would have several bikes at the same time and each bike would serve a distinct purpose. That tended to mean that I would keep bikes a long time due to the fact that I always had the best bike for the situation in hand, and I couldn't get bored with a bike if I didn't use it all that much.
There will be more factors than this but I have to go paint my living room..........according to my wife........yes.......coming dear....
Catch you later.......