Approximate price to replace stator

Thanks everyone for your replies. I’ll contact Rod my neighbour and discuss further and I’ll definitely post back with any further findings.


Hi there

Spoke to my neighbour this morning and passed on all the great info discussed. Particularly testing the stator as suggested but his response was that the repairer had diagnosed the stator as “burnt out”. Hmmm after reading these posts I’d want a more definitive answer. He’s also going to ask for the old stator back. I guess now if anyone can shed any light on the approximate time hours wise, this will take to complete give or take and as much as I’m not surprised stating “thousands” doesn’t really give him a ballpark.
Thanks again everyone. Cheers.
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It will be a minimum of $1500 - 2000 in labour and he could be stung for more. as @DEcosse said a good old one is just as good as a new one so buy off eBay there are a few there just search 'Rocket stator' Not a high demand so they go cheap relative to new price.

If he gets away with $3000 all up I would not be surprised.
.... the repairer had diagnosed the stator as “burnt out”. ... He’s also going to ask for the old stator back.

So unless he has the engine already out, how can he say that (unless he did the test I outlined)
Even if he says it is, I think before I committed to the engine-out project I'd be down there with a meter and checking it myself.

But it kinds sounds like your neighbour is already convinced and doesn't need/want further advice?
05 Rocket? He'll be lucky if his bike is worth the cost of the repair by time it's done.
Hi there

As far as I know the engine is out. Cheers.
" . . . engine is out.", is pretty easy to check.

And if so, pretty easy to test the stator with the 'go/no-go' meter.
Hi there

As far as I know the engine is out. Cheers.

Too bad. It actually can be done with the engine in the bike and rear frame lifted. But since your buddy wouldn't believe people about testing it first he probably would have went the long way anyway.

I wish him luck
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Typical estimate is 15-20hrs to remove/split case/refit engine depending on what work is being done. Dealer here charges $110/hr
@DEcosse This question for my own education. I can follow your guidelines for testing the stator in place so I’m assuming it’s exactly the same procedure with it sitting on the bench? If he does get the stator back I’d like to test it.

Yes, in this case you would measure from any one of the three pins to the core of the stator
It may be more obvious however if it IS burned - note that most stators will appear dark chocolate brown, even potentially black, at the sections that receive the least oil cooling. That does not necessarily mean it is bad - but obvious visual burning probably already means it's bad but would be confirmed by the isolation check, either way.

Example - see below

I would expect that stator is absolutely fine.

There's really no good outcome here unfortunately - the tech may indeed have been right, but either way, the guy is still out the cost of repair.
I'm not at all insistent it was probably not failed - may well be - would just have liked to see confirmation before engaging in such an extensive/expensive outcome.
Maybe a little more 'feel good' (or at least better) for your neighbour if indeed it is proved to be bad.
But there would certainly be no satisfaction on my part in finding it was OK.
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I bought my 2010 roadster with approx. 6k miles on it in 2012...put several thousand miles on it and when I developed starting/charging issues in 2014 was told by my dealer after they claimed to eliminate all other possibilities that my "Stator" needed replacing. We have a very short riding season here and when they told me that it would take 6 weeks to get one from England I bought one from a shop in NH that deals in starters, stators, alternators, ect for many motorcycles and ATV's. They describe their products as being "Like OEM" and the difference in price is astronomical...I want to remember that OEM was $800 plus american and the stator from NH was under $200 and they had it delivered in 2 days.

As far as labor is concerned I dont think I paid over 2K for the whole job...without access to my files I seem to recall getting the rubber back on the road for about $1600 american bucks. I developed another start problem last fall which turned out to be the Rectifier/Regulator. Had i known the corn-dodgers at the dealer were going to charge $342.00 for the RR I would have checked with my NH man first. A discussion from the experts here might be useful as regards "Like OEM"