Approximate price to replace stator


Standard Bore
Mar 7, 2018
Hi there

I’m posting this question on behalf of my next door neighbour who owns an 05 Rocket III. Last time he went on a ride it developed charging problems (battery is only 2 months old) and it has been diagnosed as a faulty stator. I was wondering if anyone with experience could give me a ballpark figure on the cost of replacing the stator including the part itself. I’ve done some Googling for him and have discovered that the motor needs to be lifted in order for it to be replaced but could find no info on how long it takes and the cost of the stator. We’re in Victoria if that helps.

Who's the neighbor? And while we're happy to have you, would be happier to have him too.
Thousands mainly labour and depending upon how good and familiar they are with Rockets. They are available used for a reasonable price and can easily be tested for operation by the wreckers so you should have no worries getting a good one.
I thought I had similar problems BUT our electrical guru @DEcosse helped me diagnose a rectifier/regulator issue, an easy and cheap fix. I would check it out further before committing to that enormous engine out labour cost.
Hi there
Lives right next door but has little experience with the internet and posting in forums and I do. We were discussing this issue yesterday and I offered to get some more information if I could. I’ll encourage him to join the forum if I can get him setup. But for now I’m hoping for some feedback. Cheers
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You're talking £350 delivered new from Triumph for the stator 2=100065384-0-2&block_03=610500

Although you could get one considerably cheaper on eBay, using the part number (T1300450 seems to be for all Rocket IIIs all years) RC0.H0.XT1300450+.TRS0&_nkw=T1300450+&_sacat=0

No idea how long it would take to do the job, but @warp9.9 would be adept at the required chassis maneuvering and probably has the time
First thing is to confirm it REALLY is the stator!
HUGE job on an R3 to replace - needs the engine to come out - no kidding! - So better to be sure.
Most shops end up 'guessing' at the stator being the problem without really knowing how to confirm - bad enough on most bikes, but major project and cost if misdiagnosed on an R3!

VERY simple test - you don't even need bike running, or to measure voltage to check stator.
disconnect the R/R;
Set Multimeter to Resistance (Ohms) scale;
(Note the reading when the probes are not connected to anything; then touch probes together and it should go close to '0' - first reading is 'open' circuit and second reading is 'short' circuit)
Now set one probe on ANY one of three terminals in connector going back to the stator;
connect other probe to engine ground.
(note carefully that we are not measuring BETWEEN PINS - we are measuring from ANY ONE pin to Engine ground - it does not matter which pin you select as they will all read the same, whether that be all good, or all bad)

If it reads 'zero' then that is short circuit and indeed stator is toast;
If it reads 'open' (typically 1999 or similar depending on meter - same as if probes not connected to anything) then the stator is 99.99% to be good (in which case likely the R/R that is the issue)
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@Conmore You're getting the real info here. Read and heed, and be thankful.

Please let us know how this progresses.

And good luck to you both.