Anyone using Progressive 444 shocks

OK, I just put a pair of 13" Progressive 444HD Shocks on the R3T. Part Number 444-4221C. Stock is 12.5". I have trouble with rear end bottoming out. We went on a trip this weekend putting about 300 miles on them. Here is my setup. See pic

I am not happy with the Progressives. First off, they are smaller in thickness than the stock R3T shock. As far as ride, they do smooth out little bumps. But as for them being heavier duty than stock. Not even close. If anything, they bottom out quicker than stock. Thumbs Down on the 444. Just my 2 cents.

I am going try and get money back and try the Nitros. I hope they can make one beefy enough for my use.

Progressive 444s are motorcycle shocks designed to keep the rear tire on the pavement and the frame off the pavement.
Turning a motorcycle into a tractor-trailer was not a requisite of their design and development.

offered only as tongue in cheek humor.
There is no way that they should bottom out easier than the OEM shocks, slidderhd - even with your caravanseri rig!. Did you try adjusting them to their stiffer setting(s)?
There is no way that they should bottom out easier than the OEM shocks, slidderhd - even with your caravanseri rig!. Did you try adjusting them to their stiffer setting(s)?

Set them full all 4 rings showing. It said the shocks should sag 1" with me sitting on it. With me, luggage and camper, it had over 2 inches sag before my wife got on. Note: Camper tongue weight 40 lbs,Trunk weight 45 lbs, me and wife 470 lbs.
Set them full all 4 rings showing. It said the shocks should sag 1" with me sitting on it. With me, luggage and camper, it had over 2 inches sag before my wife got on. Note: Camper tongue weight 40 lbs,Trunk weight 45 lbs, me and wife 470 lbs.

I believe the rated payload limit for the Rocket is somewhere around 500 pounds and you are well above that.
Additionally that 40 pounds of tongue weight leveraged a fair distance to the rear of the shocks creates a force moment arm that would well exceed 40 pounds at the shocks.
i have the progressive 444 hd shocks . ***n great shocks very happy with them for my application which just consists of me riding the bastard . I dont tow **** i got a car for that
@slidderhd I love that setup with a bike trailer far better than towing behind a pick-up for my own camping trips. I do not know, but I would think that maybe some Air Shocks would be better for that setup. I do plan to get a trailer of some sort for my R3T in the future. I met a Guy at Sturgis that pulled his Elite camper behind his 2013 R3T and say it only has a 17 Lb. tongue weight; and he doesn't notice it even when his wife is aboard. Yours looks a little more loaded than his does though.

I wasn't sure how to post that up as delicately as you did, olbull.

Perhaps Boog is on to the best, but more most expensive fix for the type of load you're carrying, slidderhd.
I called Progressive and the tech support guy said they don't have a larger spring. Then he said the next size up was for a Harley Dyna that was 300lb per square inch. To hard for my need. Yes, he said the Dyna had a heavier payload then the Rocket. You take it from there.