Don't despair Norseman. There's plenty us just like you, and trust me when I say that I don't really feel my bike's particularly deficient. I can easily beat anything off the line and outrun them to 100mph if I want to - it's just that I don't feel the need to prove it. Anything more than that on public roads has too much risk anyway. 150ish hp and gob loads of torque will do me for pretty much all of my every day riding - and I mean every day. As much as I'd like to experience something like Ponters' bike, or Warp's or Trirocket3's, I'm really not sure I'd want it all the time; I certainly don't need it.
My mods by the way:
removed secondaries
triple K&N
Dobeck TFI
Bike runs great, starts first up every time, idles well, is tractable and smooth to ride. Apart from maybe swapping the Dobeck for a PCV + AT at some stage the only thing I'd really like to change is the exhaust, but only when I can afford to get the sort of full system I really want (Carpenter, Predator, Zard, Jardine, Reband don't really do it for either). For now I'm very happy with what I've got and any other changes will be opportunistic.