Anybody heard of this exhaust?

Yeah the exhaust that started this thread turned out to be a massive hunk of junk. I emailed the guy and he confirmed what was already mentioned. It was a one off design that he could custom fabricate for 4000 but lost the bike HP and Torque... quite a deal!

For only the price of a Carpenter 210 kit you can make your bike look like it's got a big chrome knuckle and lose power!!! (maybe he should add that brag to his website)

Anyway I think I'm going to be happy with the Jards. They may not promise the same high rev performance as the carps (and by may not I mean definitely do not) but they open the headers enough to make a measurable difference and they're still designed for street riding. I don't have any plans to hit the pro drag scene.

Also I loved the sound of Tripps bike when I heard it, it was just a little too many DB. I've been looking at Thunder Monster baffles and I'm actually rather impressed with the level of science they are showing on their site. There is a writeup someplace on there with a whole discussion of exhaust dynamics, wave syncopation and vapor scavenging... conceptually sounds good but all over my head. If they can scoop a few DB off the Jards without gouging the low/midrange HP and Torque they may be just what the doctor ordered.
With a retune, the Jards made a huge difference, way more over stock than the difference between Jards and Carpenter. I think you'll like them.
those are my headers that Sam (aka Travelguy) made them and isn't making exhausts anymore which is a pity as they are top quality and I was going to approach him to build me a lager OD set these are 1 5/8 and work well but I want an higher flow for when I can start doing internal mods via Mr Lush, any way he has a set of the flanges which are fixed in a mounting plate he wants $335 for it and then you just have to find a pipe fabricator to do the rest the flange plate which Sam had specially made for him are worth every cent they fit perfectly and I mean perfectly to the mm into the ports, I was about to buy them but can't afford them as my next set of headers are going to be a long term project I have just bought my own TIG and once I get my hand back in (been over thirty years since I played with one) My garage is starting to look like a welding workshop what with a 40 year old faithfull Manual Arc and a MIG now with a brand new Plasma cutter and a AC/DC TIG I am in fabricators heaven and to top it off just have located a "Sam's Exhaust Flange" which I will be picking up on Monday then I just have to fab a jig to replicate the clearances of athe bike and the fun begins making a three into one into three in 1 3/4 SS tube. :)

Sams flanges with 2" headers
Man those are gorgeous headers (on a gorgeous bike). I had to come to the simple and undeniable reality that I absolutely don't have the bankroll to do everything I could want to my bike. I make decent enough money to get by, but my disposable income is nowhere near what it would have to be to start with custom fabricating and internal mods.

The mods I'm undertaking are probably all I'll ever be able to afford... a simple air and exhaust with a cheater to fix the fuel.

One day, if I can get some experience and build some knowledge/confidence working on bikes, and I can couple that with a better (and more reliable) income, I will venture further into custom territory. For now I'll peer with shameless envy and admiration at Rockets like yours who's MSRP is dwarfed by the value of the work/mods on them.
Don't despair Norseman. There's plenty us just like you, and trust me when I say that I don't really feel my bike's particularly deficient. I can easily beat anything off the line and outrun them to 100mph if I want to - it's just that I don't feel the need to prove it. Anything more than that on public roads has too much risk anyway. 150ish hp and gob loads of torque will do me for pretty much all of my every day riding - and I mean every day. As much as I'd like to experience something like Ponters' bike, or Warp's or Trirocket3's, I'm really not sure I'd want it all the time; I certainly don't need it.

My mods by the way:
removed secondaries
triple K&N
Dobeck TFI

Bike runs great, starts first up every time, idles well, is tractable and smooth to ride. Apart from maybe swapping the Dobeck for a PCV + AT at some stage the only thing I'd really like to change is the exhaust, but only when I can afford to get the sort of full system I really want (Carpenter, Predator, Zard, Jardine, Reband don't really do it for either). For now I'm very happy with what I've got and any other changes will be opportunistic.
Like Canberra said once you get the feel of the bike you'll find with the mods you're doing you'll have all the power/torque you really need. Just get out there and ride the wheels off it.
since we are in $$$$$ country I saw today at my R3 dealer a BUSA with a turbo advertised at 500 bhp !! very clean , low mileage 10 000 MILES A VERY PROFESSIONAL job indeed. the price $15 000 canadian if any R3 captains would like pictures I will go there with camera and take a few ( my phone does not do pictures) had i have the mullah I would buy it just so i can say here is the none
Thanks for the reassurance, Tomcat and Canberra. You are definitely supporting my suspicions. I never for a second felt my stock Roadster was "inadequate" but I did feel like letting her breathe was 100% worth paying for. I can't wait to hear the sound she makes or feel those extra ponies at the wheel, but after almost 2 weeks I mostly just can't wait to see my baby again. I've missed 2 local RAT rides, a half-dozen friendly invitations, and have had overwhelming pangs of sentiment while gazing into my empty garage... not to mention driving to work on a 250cc nighthawk.

To be honest, from here I'm planning to wait for winter to do a Corbin Fast Gun and some paint (probably brit racing green... I love the color, haven't seen it much, and it seems appropriate) and then I expect I'll ride 'til either I or the bike stop working.
since we are in $$$$$ country I saw today at my R3 dealer a BUSA with a turbo advertised at 500 bhp !!

I can understand your thinking, but to be perfectly honest if I had the money to buy that busa I'd just put it into dolling up my Rocket anyway. I don't need the world's fastest bike, just the perfect bike for lil' old me, and I've already got it!
let me be clear ..HUmm... I would not trade my R3 just wanted a turbo busa in the garage like a paperweight..I know kind of stupid but i reached that age where I can do stupid and knowing it loud and clear !!