Here are the Rivco mounts/pegs, again, as others have stated, these provide the comfort mod I wanted. Based on other threads - the adjustment range accommodates many different heights/leg length. Thanks to all on the forum, to call out a few: Tal, Mittzy, 1olbull. Dang, now you got me thinking on the Corbin classic solo. I like the idea of the Solo/2up option with the stock pillion seat. I also find a backrest is a must for my bones on longer rides. I'm seeing where I can blend a combination of Black - Carbon fiber, Grabber, leather selections to somewhat match up to the stock vinyl pillion. I called Corbin, they say only $35.00 to ship to WA state and no tax, so total is $508.
Good for a chuckle - this is my justification, as many have done - I'll buy a used backrest (just missed one for $100) another one will come up soon. So if I'm wisely saving $143 off the cost of a new Corbin back rest priced at $243, with such a savings, how can I not proceed with ordering a new $508 seat. As many ways as I try to explain my justification/rationalizing/logic to my wife - she is not fully comprehending. Something tells me I'm not alone. I am the head of the household, I am calling Corbin on Monday, just as soon as my wife heads out of the driveway.