Any one use these Risers

While at a bike show today, my cobber and i were looking at a group of Harleys and all 5 bikes had bars that were high...extended or ape hanger types. We both agreed it must be difficult to corner like this and to cement our thoughts, the rear tyres on all those bikes were only worn in the centre....the sides had plenty of tread left. Proof in the pudding right there!.
I have rivco risers under my Thunderbike Teebars and while they lift the bars up, its only maybe an inch but back towards me is the positive as now my sitting position is more comfy. Being comfortable allows you to "Ride" that sucker!
The concept is interesting - And I have looked at them often. As they are an EASY solution.
BUT something deep down in my engineering head tells me NOT TO. We do not ride bikes with low steering forces.
I think you will build in a weak point that will allow twist. And thus misalignment.

Eventually I just fitted higher bars. Mechanically speaking a way superior solution.
I agree but for a $100, I have to give them a try, and the reviews are good.
I await reports with antici.................................................................................................pation.
It is ordered, it will be at least 30 days before before install, will send pics and impressions when I can. Thanks.:thumbsdown:
The issue with the rivco is that it brings the bars back and necessitates removing the instruments before you can lift your tank.
For me that was not tolerable.
The Rox have two-point adjustability and can easily be changed.

I don't remove the dash to lift the tank. Just take the bolt out of the back of the tank, lift and pull back slightly and slide bolt back in if you like. easy as bro !
On the Roadster there's all kinds of room behind the gauges and the gauges are moved forward with a little black piece of metal that came with @chandelierman t bars, and from what I'm seeing they will take up no more room then the Revco's and the black is $97.00 on JP Cycle and you cannot get the Revco in Black. But like all things I shall see when they get mounted.

Adapt Adjust Overcome.