Any idea who's exhaust/bike this is?

Does anyone know if Sam is running a PCiii or V, and if he was if there is any chance he would be willing to share his map.
Im assuming he would have triple K&Ns and cat delete? The exhaust I'm getting looks close to his (in that its shorties) all be it i'll have stock headers. Just thinking it would be a better starting point for my TuneECU PCV combo?
Not sure what Sam Runs himself you could PM him his site name here is Lazaras but I know he worked closely with Wayne Tripp so you could ask him if he has a Tune suitable for your use otherwise, I have a couple of TuneECU tunes given to me by various Captains that may be suitable with you but you have to try a find which is best for you, keep in mind if you have PCV you would probally want on e of the leaner tune so you can richen it up if you pm me your e-mail I will send to to you with descriptions of the set up I was using at the time when using them two in particular (I used pre header upgrade) will be a suitable starting point while a couple of them may be a tad rich if you keep in mind that I now have much better flow through the headers, anyway send me your e-mail if you want them I only use TuneEcu at this stage and found it works just fine