Actually it is only due to the fact that it has been interfering with his real job that he has now called for last orders I know there is at least One Aussie that is looking forward to getting his and when I was getting my headers made I was a bit indesisive about which style I wanted

He patiently answer every question and adivsed me very well once we had defined my needs and future plans I ended up with the perect header for me

I think I can honiestly say that every one that I know off, that are proud owners of one of his systems is happy and it ain't just good looks you get with his systems, I was not expecting a very noticeable increase in performance..... tell ya what the first time I gave the throttle a decent twist I knew differently. It is a shame that he getting out of it maybe down the track he will restart making them. Another thing you might be interested to know is I doubt he made much profit out of them as to get a simmilar header made here was going to cost me nearly double