Another dead from left turn in front of rider

I commute 50 miles round trip every day on a combination of local roads and highways. EVERY day I see at least 1 instance of a car casually leaving its lane and drifting into the lane or shoulder next to it without the use of turn signals. I make it a habit to try and peer into the offending vehicle if I come up beside it and almost without fail, the driver is manipulating their smart phone, whether it be held in their hand or mounted to a holding device.

I'm firmly convinced that cell phones are this generation's booze, and it's going to take the same amount of time, publicity and legal repercussions to get people to knock it off that reducing drunk driving fatalities took.
Couldn't agree more. Distracted driving is the biggest common danger on our roads now. The government here bumped the penalty up to 6 points from 3 and upped the fine but you still see it all the time.

It's shifted from calling to texting/social media though which is worse imo. One offence I show no discretion in enforcing
What chaps my ass is how it is reported in the news.

WASHINGTON — A man died Sunday afternoon after his motorcycle collided with a car in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

Prince George’s County police say the motorcyclist was taken to the hospital and died a few hours later.

The motorcyclist was traveling eastbound down Allentown Road when he collided with a car turning left onto Maxwell Drive, police say.

If this was properly written:

WASHINGTON - A man died Sunday afternoon in Prince George's County, Maryland after a car failed to yield the right-of-way by making a left turn in front of him.

Prince George’s County police say the motorcyclist was taken to the hospital and died a few hours later.

The motorcyclist was traveling eastbound down Allentown Road when the car turning left onto Maxwell Drive failed to yield the right-of-way to the motorcycle, police say.
We've got death by dangerous driving and death by careless driving charges over in blighty, both of which can receive a custodial term.

I would reckon there should be a reckless or DUI function, such as a contest of speed (drag racing) drifting (spinning circles) and/or driver impairment.
Here, any of those items would result in a felony charge in cases of collision resulting in death or serious injury.

Right on!
Human factor stats have shown DWOC (drive while on cell) impairs the driver WORSE than alcohol!!!
Were I the King of America, all vehicles would be equipped with means that would render any cell inoperable in and within a 10 foot radius.
If interested in more info:
Distracted Driving Research
Long term observations can be revealing.

Fascinating for example, every morning I go to work pretty much the same way, and have to face eastward for a long light before getting on a major feeder, and have time to lift my visor and see precisely against the local horizon where is the sun, and through the year, really see the full 46o sweep of the sun as the Earth rotates through its 23o offset from the ecliptic plain.

We have lived in the same house now 22 years, and likewise have been going through a similar intersection near our neighborhood for that entire time. For the first years living there, I could stop in the line of cars waiting at the light, look to the side of the road, and pretty much know the point where ahead, I would make it through the light, and behind, I would be caught by the light. Everyone was interested is making it home and you could see the reactions of the drivers, picking up on the movement cars ahead and be ready to go as soon as the car in front moved.

As the years went by, and cell phones became omnipresent, followed by smart phones, the so-called "cell phone gaps" would appear, and the point at which I could count on making it through the light became closer to the light, and greater variability.

This got so bad, the county spent $300,000 to add a second turn lane, so that the gaps are still there, but with two lanes going through the light, now they are back almost to the same number of cars through each cycle of the light as twenty years ago.

Progress ?

None! Take the phones out of the equation and the county probably could have saved 300K. However, I am sure to some degree the traffic has increased but I would still say its the d@mn phones.
@Joesmoe Paul,
I have a great tip for you!
Wait for it . . . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Hold Alt key while punching in 0176.
Too lazy, but yes, Earth is offset from the solar ecliptic 23º causing the apparent position of celestial objects to sweep a full 46º of the sky. [BTW, I'm on a Mac, so the access to the symbols is a bit different]