Another dead from left turn in front of rider

In the Olympia area alone, a very small city, we've had 4 dead just this weekend from bad driving. Not counting the daily "rider down" posts from the Seattle/Oly area riding group I'm in.

This was the end result of one of ours on Friday, the car lane changed, we are guessing without looking. one of the riders from our Toronto group, They passed away Saturday, Still waiting to hear what the driver of the car will be charged with. I have seen the video of this crash, and wow was it devastating

I'm really sorry to see this brother :thumbsdown: RIP
I have had a couple of people turn in front of me this year already. I do have to say since I put LED lights in the buckets and drive around with my high beam on I have not had a single person pull in front of me, maybe just a coincidence. Between the lights and not being afraid to lay on my horn (Stebel Nautilus) it has seemed to give me a little larger bubble. I still ride like everyone out there is trying to kill me though, because they are!

That there be the ticket, Bob!
Has worked for me for many years.
That . . . and being prepared as if the cage won't see me.

This was the end result of one of ours on Friday, the car lane changed, we are guessing without looking. one of the riders from our Toronto group, They passed away Saturday, Still waiting to hear what the driver of the car will be charged with. I have seen the video of this crash, and wow was it devastating

A moral to learn here is NEVER, NEVER ride in the blind spot of a cage!
When tis time to pass, get it on and pass. Do not linger or take your time.
Always watch for any movement from the cage and always be aware of where you are in the cage's view.
This past Friday I was hit by an 88yr old man who has Parkinsons disease and decided to turn left right into me. I was going maybe 50mph but still, the force of being t-boned knocked me off the road. Still traveling at speed things went into slo-mo. I saw a yellow concrete filled pole (ballard) fast approaching. I knew I had to avoid it. I jumped the curb and took the car right between the ballard and a stop sign.

I finally came to rest on the lawn right in front of a business. It was driving like something you'd see in the movies. If I was on the Rocket I wouldn't be here typing. The car is way worse than you can tell by the picture and I am expecting a total from insurance.

Funny thing the cop commented on my "check twice for motorcycles" sign and I said I need one that says "check twice for old people" Still had a sense of humor! Was glad to walk away!
Just curious - did you see the left turning car prior to impact?
If no, why not?
I hate to read stories like that. It seems the traffic here in my state gets worse every year. Massachusetts has some of the worst drivers in the country and they're way to aggressive...
. There's been four motorcycle fatalities here in the past two months.

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When I met my Asian wife, she did not drive -- had never needed to. I knew married to me she would have to drive (she is a great driver now) so I insisted she learn in Boston before the military transferred me out, and she did. Funny bit, she was eight months pregnant with our first when she took the driver test in down town. The examiner took a worried look at her, and asked her to drive to the end of the block, make four rights around the block and pull straight in to the spot she left. He had signed the cert and essentially threw it in her general direction as he jumped out, and said, "Good luck."
When I met my Asian wife, she did not drive -- had never needed to. I knew married to me she would have to drive (she is a great driver now) so I insisted she learn in Boston before the military transferred me out, and she did. Funny bit, she was eight months pregnant with our first when she took the driver test in down town. The examiner took a worried look at her, and asked her to drive to the end of the block, make four rights around the block and pull straight in to the spot she left. He had signed the cert and essentially threw it in her general direction as he jumped out, and said, "Good luck."
I know Boston like the back of my hand I was born in Boston. I don't even like driving into Boston anymore. There's so much going on there these days there are tons of great restaurants,shows, medical etc. I take the scheduled boat from Hingham it's safer and more relaxing..:D If the wife can drive in Bean Town she can drive any where...;)
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