Another dead from left turn in front of rider

A moral to learn here is NEVER, NEVER ride in the blind spot of a cage!
When tis time to pass, get it on and pass. Do not linger or take your time.
Always watch for any movement from the cage and always be aware of where you are in the cage's view.

In this one, the rider was in an HOV lane that was moving fast, the cage was in the regular lanes that weren't moving, they decided that they had had enough of that and crossed the two white lines (there are a ton of signs that say don't cross on the double line) to get into the HOV lane, as soon as they pulled in, it was game over for the rider.

That sucked. I would like cagers to be charged with vehicular manslaughter when they blatantly break a law resulting in a motorcyclist or car driver for that matters death. Killing someone and getting a failure to yield ticket or some other slap on the wrist ain’t cutting it. Thats a gross insult to the family. Who knows...maybe it would help. If nothing, it certainly would be more equitable.
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I hate those situations - mostly riding in CA for me.
Anytime a HOV lane is going 20mph or more faster than the adjacent, my warning bells go off. I am paranoid and on guard always looking for sudden violators.
Happens up here with our dedicated Car Pool Lanes, but not as frequently as with the double lines in CA. Likely because the double lines do occasionally allow lane changes.
One of my work mates got cleaned up on the way to work on Thursday morning.

Four broken ribs and punctured lung.

Not sure of any other injuries he was riding a stepthru scooter. Always in HiVis reflector gear

They say that Christchurch has the worst drivers in New Zealand and they are right.

Best wishes to your work mate for a fast & full recovery!
IMHO - all motorized bar stools should be required to come with a "Kill Me" target sign.
Just sayin' . . .

Same, same, here in Oz. Shared English Common law history with less deviation and litigation than the USA.
The Road Traffic Act is one of the few pieces of legislation we share with the English. Other than the Misuse of Drugs Act I'm struggling to think of what else we share with them.

We just like to be different north of the border