amsoil formulation?

I'll stick with Mobil. Ran it in a Bonneville and went well over 100,000 miles. Run it in the Harley 98,000 miles and still going. Run it in the Rocket X 40,000 and still running strong. Plus i can go down to the local auto store and there it is. Do change every 5,000 miles which is silly but creature of habit.

I would definitely do the Mobil 1 4T even though it is $25 more for a 6 pack. My problem is they only offer it in a 10-40. All the recommendations are for 10-50 in the beast especially in the warm weather. I am reluctant on that count and I'm sure the topic is up to debate by everyone as well. Triumph use to do 10-40 but switched to 10-50. Maybe Triumph has a backroom deal with Castrol since they are one of the few who offer the 10-50 in the 4T.

Triumph originally recommended Mobile 1 4T, any time a company switches without explanation I’m suspect.
Triumph originally recommended Mobile 1 4T, any time a company switches without explanation I’m suspect.

I knew that once upon a time it was Mobil 1. Maybe they wanted to switch to a 10w-50 oil and Mobile wouldn't offer it so they went with Castrol. Hard to tell..
Triumph originally recommended Mobile 1 4T, any time a company switches without explanation I’m suspect.
That is how i discovered Mobil. 05 Bonneville and Triumph recommended Mobil only. Been using it every since . Use it in my wife's truck since day one. Even run Mobil in the Fiat.

I've always appreciated the testing done by Amsoil.

Before you role your eyes, scroll down to the summary of the oils tested. This is a scientific study done on the synthetic motorcycle oils available several years ago. Most of these oils work, but some are very good. I look at the viscosity breakdown charts since our engines share their oil with the tranny. Instead of a gut feel, this study will give you some data on oil performance to help you choose your poison.

BTW, I currently use Amsoil 10W40, but have used Mobul 4T, and Shell Rotella T6 oils with no problem. Any motorcycle oil is good if you change it often. If you change oil when Triumph recommends (16,000 kilometers), then buy the good stuff.

Comparison of 40 weight motorcycle specific oils.

Comparison of 50 weight motorcycle specific oils