Am I crazy?

There's an 05 & 011 together for ya. They get along very nicely.


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There only being sold as a pair because there so close lol
I like the black engine too bad the Jardines are not on that one, but I guess if there sold as a pair I guess the other wouldn’t mind swapping
There only being sold as a pair because there so close lol
I like the black engine too bad the Jardines are not on that one, but I guess if there sold as a pair I guess the other wouldn’t mind swapping
Got some TORS for the black engine just waiting on a NZ crossover to arrive before installing.
There not going to sound as nice, I find the older my Jardines get the deeper and nicer and louder sound I hat the Tors on mine when I bought mine I didn’t like them as much as my Jardines and the hp is so much better
There not going to sound as nice, I find the older my Jardines get the deeper and nicer and louder sound I hat the Tors on mine when I bought mine I didn’t like them as much as my Jardines and the hp is so much better
Staying conservative with the 011 it's the last bike I'll probably buy and I hope to make it last. The Jardines are on the 05 because someone butchered up the stock exhaust so wanted a complete replacement and they were the first I came across.
Keep your ' a "pest" to gramps. Get another bike, too. I love my '07 America (w/904, stage 1 cam and other mods) just for shorter jaunts. Plus, I just bought a T-120 because I like it(214 dollars a month) and it's cool. A couple of Rockets? sure, if you like wrestlin' 'em around..heh heh!
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Small, fun AND powerful? Thruxton R?
I’m thinking of a Hayabusa for some fun just not sure if I’ll be comfortable lol