dont think my Rocket will be done for riding season he has not even finished my tank, he’s just fitting me in he’s 70 and I don’t want to be a pest, he’s amazing doesn’t take small jobs as a rule and when he’s finished I’m sure it will be worth the wait.
So I was looking at other bikes so I don’t miss riding season and came across this 2011 Rocket with 38km he was asking $7,900 now dropped down to $7,000 or best offer.
So made me think since I’m spending all this money to customize my 05 why not buy this 2011 and put all my custom parts on that and sell my 05 this way I’ll have a newer one that’s customized.
Then I started to think why not get newer one that has the Nev cams in or Carpenter kit have fun with it until my bike is all done and then put all parts on newer bike, is that crazy?
Is the Rocket really loosing that much value? If so what is a 05 worth ? I thought on adverage 05 is worth at least $7,000 ? Unless this 2011 is just cheap because he needs the money?
I know there’s nothing wrong with my bike I would hate to buy one newer and have a lemon:(
Am I crazy? For thinking this or just be patient and wait for my 05 knowing it’s all good and only has 35,000 miles on it.
And just perhaps buy a small cheap other fun bike until my bike is all done?
There's an 05 & 011 together for ya. They get along very nicely.


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There only being sold as a pair because there so close lol
I like the black engine too bad the Jardines are not on that one, but I guess if there sold as a pair I guess the other wouldn’t mind swapping:)
There only being sold as a pair because there so close lol
I like the black engine too bad the Jardines are not on that one, but I guess if there sold as a pair I guess the other wouldn’t mind swapping:)
Got some TORS for the black engine just waiting on a NZ crossover to arrive before installing.;)
There not going to sound as nice, I find the older my Jardines get the deeper and nicer and louder sound:) I hat the Tors on mine when I bought mine I didn’t like them as much as my Jardines and the hp is so much better
There not going to sound as nice, I find the older my Jardines get the deeper and nicer and louder sound:) I hat the Tors on mine when I bought mine I didn’t like them as much as my Jardines and the hp is so much better
Staying conservative with the 011 it's the last bike I'll probably buy and I hope to make it last. The Jardines are on the 05 because someone butchered up the stock exhaust so wanted a complete replacement and they were the first I came across.
Keep your ' a "pest" to gramps. Get another bike, too. I love my '07 America (w/904, stage 1 cam and other mods) just for shorter jaunts. Plus, I just bought a T-120 because I like it(214 dollars a month) and it's cool. A couple of Rockets? sure, if you like wrestlin' 'em around..heh heh!
What year did they Change from 05? Would a 2011 be exactly like my 05? The gas tank fitting and everything else? Hate to buy a newer one and all my parts I’m getting made for my 05 doesn’t fit my newer one, that would suck.
Or I was thinking of just getting a small fun bike and have fun with that until My Rocket is done, then my wife could ride it.
What’s a small fun powerful bike that I would enjoy and yet light enough and small enough my wife could ride?
Small, fun AND powerful? Thruxton R?