All This Talk About Buckles.....

Naw I haven't scored one like Rainmans yet.
I've got the shadow box totally filled up,
actually to overflow capacity.
I'll take some pictures and put em up.
got two that are pretty unique from the 50's.
they're belt/buckle combinations.
Actually got 2 & a half of them.
the half is at the bottom of the shadow box.
I'll get some pictures.
Naw I haven't scored one like Rainmans yet.
I've got the shadow box totally filled up,
actually to overflow capacity.
I'll take some pictures and put em up.
got two that are pretty unique from the 50's.
they're belt/buckle combinations.
Actually got 2 & a half of them.
the half is at the bottom of the shadow box.
I'll get some pictures.
Just took delivery of a couple more this morning, still got a couple coming!!You have created a monster getting me interested in buckles!! and that one like rains is still available on ebay from the same person I got mine from I will send you a PM with link I might add mine came in a triumph gen parts box. will post picture when the rest get here
Yea, it's kinda cool to find old Triumph Bling from the 50's and 60's and 70's.
They don't want an arm and a leg for it most of the time either.
took 3 pictures of it, as is right now.
I'll get some closeups once the wife gets here with her camera phone.

it's almost addictive.
I've got my non-Triumph buckles in a BIG case all their own too.
But you guys probably aren't interested in most of those.
Here's the first belt/buckle combination from the 50's.

Here's the second 50's 2 piece belt/buckle combo.

There's also my Rocket III belt in this picture a member sent me.
Not very good pics I know, can't see the details,
cause I can't get real good closeups with the camera.
i'll get Dusty to take some closeups when she gets here.
Ugggg :what: not kinda addictive freaking obsessed!!!!!!!

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Hey, it keeps me out of trouble.
At least I'm not wasting my money on stuff like retirement
truck maintenance, food, unnecessary stuff like that.
I tested that theory of addictive or obsessed the other day.
I let one go by without even bidding on it and it was a nice vintage one too.
Looked good, Haven't seen one like it, not a real one like that one was,
let it go right on by, so no, I'm not obsessed or addicted,
I just like having a "good" collection.
Which means having the most complete collection I can build.


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