Air Ram

Maybe we should lobby the brains??? that run this site to restore IMFASTTOO's (Art DiLarso's) membership status, so we can get the straight dope from a guy that knows more about the R3 and motorcycles in general than anyone else on either R3 owners'site.

This childish and indefensible bullsqaut on their part is way beyond getting old, IMO.
What 'exactly' did this IMFAST bloke do to get himself banned from this Forum ? Perhaps someone could inform those (like me) that don't know what actually took place. Why we are being deprived his knowledge and experience? Has he caused dramas or problems on the .COM Forum .. I never go over there.
He was around briefly when I joined and I recall a few little spats with people. To be honest I couldn't really see any problem with most of it although he was goaded into getting pretty personal a few times. BUT NO MORE THAN SEVERAL OTHERS I COULD NAME. Biggest problem seemed to be that he likes to point out the folly of putting a car tyre on a motorbike, and we all know how precious people get on that subject. There was plenty being given both ways I recall and if he was banned, others also should have been.

Time he was allowed back. It takes at least 2 to have a fight.

Sometimes he gets a bone between his teeth and dont like,letting go.
I dont have a problem with his posts,he calls as he see it.
Well another 5 months has slipped past us and still waiting for the ram air unit.

Any new word ?


So Im not the only one who thinks about this daily (I have a pic of one as a screensaver)

Surely it cant be all that hard to come up with an efficent design that is asthetically pleasing as well.
I know I would be prepared to pay good money for something of quality.
There is one, Dracul just got one, he posted pics on Facebook.
unless Carpenters have since added one it did not have any filtration in it, it was purely a ram-air scoop developed to give cool pressurised air for their drag bike, I might add it look awesome! just needed an filter medium in there.