I have read through the numerous post on the various air intake modifications. The three being;
- Under the tank cone K&N
- 3 K&N Filters (either under the claw or with modified claw)
- RamAir
Each seems to have its pro's and con's.
Either the 3 filter solution or the RamAir seems to clean up the bike the most by removing all of the duct work. However, there seems to be a bit of an issue with cracking on the RamAir or issues around the crank case vent. Which does not surprise me as most modified intakes tend to not deal well with the positive crank case vent. It always seems to be a poor afterthought.
I like the under tank K&N cone filter, but I am concerned that it is a very small filter and that heat would be an issue.
At the end of the day, are any of these really worth the investment?
And, don't get me wrong, I love custom modifications. If one of them were worth their salt I would be all in on it.