Air filter reeks of gasoline

Just nip it up with a spanner FFS

That's an option, right until you strip the threads and then need a new tank or something... I'd rather opt for caution when we're talking something that's kind of crucial.
That's an option, right until you strip the threads and then need a new tank or something... I'd rather opt for caution when we're talking something that's kind of crucial.
I just nipped mine up when i changed to a high volume fuel pump
I just nipped mine up when i changed to a high volume fuel pump

im confused, how do you nip up those 4 girls?

And why does that one wearing a hat have a dangling necklace. Id throat gauge her if she went near my bike with that thing dangling like that!
im confused, how do you nip up those 4 girls?

And why does that one wearing a hat have a dangling necklace. Id throat gauge her if she went near my bike with that thing dangling like that!
Has anyone ever seen @ponters and @Evil Mitch together at the same time? I'm thinking there the same person. The dangley thing around her neck should be ok as long as she just uses her hands and doesn't start licking it. (The bike that is)
Has anyone ever seen @ponters and @Evil Mitch together at the same time? I'm thinking there the same person. The dangley thing around her neck should be ok as long as she just uses her hands and doesn't start licking it. (The bike that is)

You got me we are the same person. I best come pick up my 250hp rocket from melbourne now that the fake me doesnt need it anymore
im confused, how do you nip up those 4 girls?
When a mummy bird and a daddy bird love each other very much ................................

There must be something very wrong with me - I'd not even noticed a Necklace - where is it?

What's a bit of post washing maintenance for 30mins of hedonism. Really! - F*ckin' bikers - no sense of hubris any more. So sad.
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Could just be accumulated fumes from the crank case breather that vents into the air box.

Mine did that exact thing once I installed a K&N filter, it would collect in the airbox and run down the right side of the engine. It was basically unburned fuel and vapor. An oil catch can will fix it and protect your intake.
I think this is/was (tightened the bolt a tad the other day, hopefully that sealed it) an actual fuel leak. The ducting right under the tank, once removed, had dark sticky stains underneath it where road dust had mixed with leaking fuel, and the same type of gunk was on the bolt itself on the tank where the fuel like exits. That had then run backwards and down and pooled in the air box behind and below.