Adjusting throttle bodies on Touring.


Mar 7, 2016
Northern Illinois
2015 Triumph Rocket III Touring
I found some info on the subject of adjusting throttle bodies on a R3T here but not what I wanted to know.

Has anyone here adjusted the the throttle bodies on their Touring? The service manual says it can't be done with the Triumph Diagnostic Tool so I'm assuming it can't be done with DealerTool either. (I have DealerTool but haven't used it yet although I am going to use it today to bleed the ABS system when I change brake fluid.) I'm surprised that the Touring is different in this respect.

Triumph recommends using a Souriau Indiana vacuum analyzer. Even if it was still available, I can't justify the cost or the cost of a different but similar tool. Thinking about it, I'm guessing that the job could be done with a single vacuum gauge and a little ingenuity but I may be wrong.

Anyway, any suggestions on how to balance the throttle bodies on a Touring would be appreciated. My bike is running fine but this is something I want to be able to check and adjust in the future as part of normal maintenance.
This topic has been discussed exhaustively on this site, and fairly recently. The search function works reasonably well. Member idk has instructions in his signature line, and any reasonable search would find multiple references to that.
This topic has been discussed exhaustively on this site, and fairly recently. The search function works reasonably well. Member idk has instructions in his signature line, and any reasonable search would find multiple references to that.

I'll search again but, as I said, I didn't find what I needed with an initial search.

BTW, Joesmoe, do you ever sleep? It seems like you respond to every post I make within seconds no matter what time it is. :)
I'll search again but, as I said, I didn't find what I needed with an initial search.

BTW, Joesmoe, do you ever sleep? It seems like you respond to every post I make within seconds no matter what time it is. :)

I use tune ecu to check the balance and to adjust if needed. It gives me a guage for each cylinder

The adjustment is persnickety...a little turn of the screws can make tons of difference, and there is back and forth to get them all the same, but TuneECU is definitely the tool to use. And when all pulling about the same vacuum, you will have an engine that ldle.....and roars at speed!
Thanks, folks. That's great news. Judging from your pictures, you have Touring models. This is great news. I'm surprised that the Triumph Diagnostic tool can't do this while TuneECU (and possibly DealerTool) can.

Joesmoe: The reason I asked this after searching was that everything I found (and I did read several threads here and on other forums before posting) - even on different Triumph sites, generated replies from owners of Rocket models OTHER that the Touring or by people who didn't specify which model they had or just guesses by people who didn't know the answer. I didn't ask the question out of laziness and not bothering to search. My question was specific and, as far as I could ascertain, not covered "exhaustively" or even at all as far as I could tell. Of course, it's possible that I missed something but I did reasonable searches and read entire threads without finding the answer to my question. As I mentioned, the Factory Service manual specifically states (page 11.185) that the throttle bodies of the Touring model could not be adjusted using the Triumph Tool. It seemed reasonable to assume that if it couldn't be done with the Triumph tool that it might also not be possible with TuneECU or DealerTool - in other words, with software. That's why I asked this question. I wasn't asking HOW to adjust TBs, I was asking if it could be done with TuneECU on a Touring model specifically. (I have the TuneECU cable and the DealerTool software and cable but I haven't used TuneECU yet.) It's possible that DealerTool can do the job too. I'll check that out. (I did use DealerTool the other day to bleed my ABS system when changing my brake fluid.)

For anyone interested who doesn't have the Factory Service Manual, here's the quote on the subject:

"The Rocket III Touring throttles cannot be balanced using the Triumph diagnostic tool. Instead, Triumph recommend [sic] the use of the Souria Indiana digital inlet vacuum analyzer or similar device."

I have no idea why the Triumph Diagnostic Tool can't be used to balance the TBs on the Touring model but can be used on other Rocket models. If anyone knows why that is, I'd be curious to know the reason.
Thanks, folks. That's great news. Judging from your pictures, you have Touring models. This is great news. I'm surprised that the Triumph Diagnostic tool can't do this while TuneECU (and possibly DealerTool) can.

Joesmoe: The reason I asked this after searching was that everything I found (and I did read several threads here and on other forums before posting) - even on different Triumph sites, generated replies from owners of Rocket models OTHER that the Touring or by people who didn't specify which model they had or just guesses by people who didn't know the answer. I didn't ask the question out of laziness and not bothering to search. My question was specific and, as far as I could ascertain, not covered "exhaustively" or even at all as far as I could tell. Of course, it's possible that I missed something but I did reasonable searches and read entire threads without finding the answer to my question. As I mentioned, the Factory Service manual specifically states (page 11.185) that the throttle bodies of the Touring model could not be adjusted using the Triumph Tool. It seemed reasonable to assume that if it couldn't be done with the Triumph tool that it might also not be possible with TuneECU or DealerTool - in other words, with software. That's why I asked this question. I wasn't asking HOW to adjust TBs, I was asking if it could be done with TuneECU on a Touring model specifically. (I have the TuneECU cable and the DealerTool software and cable but I haven't used TuneECU yet.) It's possible that DealerTool can do the job too. I'll check that out. (I did use DealerTool the other day to bleed my ABS system when changing my brake fluid.)

For anyone interested who doesn't have the Factory Service Manual, here's the quote on the subject:

"The Rocket III Touring throttles cannot be balanced using the Triumph diagnostic tool. Instead, Triumph recommend [sic] the use of the Souria Indiana digital inlet vacuum analyzer or similar device."

I have no idea why the Triumph Diagnostic Tool can't be used to balance the TBs on the Touring model but can be used on other Rocket models. If anyone knows why that is, I'd be curious to know the reason.
I just came to this old thread started by myself. Just as an update, I was able to adjust the throttle bodies of my R3T using DealerTool. That was years ago. I now have DealerTool and TuneEcu but I haven't used TuneEcu yet but I will in the future because the few times I used FealerTool it was a PITA to get it to work involving changing drivers, etc. in fact, each time I used it I had to get help from DT support. To their credit, the reply super fast to their customers but it's still a PITA. I actually have an instruction sheet DT sent me that's thee pages long on how to get the app to work. But when it does work, it's great but limited in it's functions. I'll use TuneEcu next time. As a side note, Rockets - at least the 2300 cc models with ABS DO NOT have to have the ABS system bled in a separate step. The service manual confirms this. It's design allows fluid to pass through the ABS module during normal braking so just regular brake bleeding also bleeds the ABS.