About time

Most of my riding is done back and forth to work. 125 miles a day basically in a straight line, little to no turns up and down Hwy 75 here in Oklahoma. So I figured going to the darkside would be a good idea. I guess for some that live in a area that has a lot of twisted roads it would not be a good idea. Figure the only way to find out if it will work is to try it. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Def looks better without the oem indicators
Hanging so low and flapping about in the breeze . Had seen em on ebay and now I know , I shall get me one . Thanks mate !
Looking good man. Really happy to hear your going about fixing that swindling **** ass dealer's **** up yourself.

Regarding darkside, in your case it makes sense, especially with the long commute you do daily!!

It makes sense for anyone who doesn't corner hard enough to get the point where you MUST lean off the bike to make a turn at the speed you're going. If you sit straight up in the saddle around every turn, and aren't dragging things on a stock bike, a DS tire won't slow you down. If your like me and a few others on the board, who raised their bikes to gain ground clearance and charge turns at the "hmm not sure if going to make this turn" speeds, then DON'T DARKSIDE.

No it doesn't give more grip, in any situation, yes it's enough grip to still ride it fairly hard and have fun!

That's a good install on the new plate mount, sonny!
That CT will wiggle enough for both!
sorry, I just couldn't resist . . .
No that was the 5.6 earthquake we had this morning
I da#n near s#it my pants this morning when it hit. Bad memories of southern California. I knew what it was the minute it started just could not believe one of that size here in Oklahoma. Shake rattle and roll. then look up and watch out for tornadoes. What a wonderful state to live in, never a dull moment.

That wasn't a earthquake Sonny, that was GOD - were you drinkin again?