A thank you from a 2006 Classic

coming home loaded from a trip i pulled up to the gate stood up on the floor boards went to get off and stepped on the shifter was sure suprized when it went into first.the safety saved me a trip through the gate:)
Just loaded my first tune from @HansO also the first time I ever hooked my bike up to tune ecu loaded tune and was so excited to go for a ride I forgot to pull in clutch!! Thought I smoked the ecu!! After a couple of minutes pulled in clutch, bam she came to life!! Dumb ass!!
Has anyone ever got their shoelaces caught on the brake pedal when coming to a stop, then could not get their foot down.
Happened to me once. **** near ripped my shoe off trying to get the lace of the brake peddle.

Let.me tell you I now religiously check my laces before every ride.
Scared the crap out out of me.
I visioned myself going down, stuck under the bike.
Has anyone ever got their shoelaces caught on the brake pedal when coming to a stop, then could not get their foot down.
Happened to me once. **** near ripped my shoe off trying to get the lace of the brake peddle.

Let.me tell you I now religiously check my laces before every ride.
Scared the crap out out of me.
I visioned myself going down, stuck under the bike.
Oh that old chestnut .Not since I stopped riding in me Brogues. :D I have got my trouser leg caught in the footrest tho , to the same panicky end ! :oops:
The T160 trident has this poxy kick start lever that's just all wrong.
Back in the 70's wearing "Bell Bottom" (Remember those :D) Jeans, I rode up to an infamous bike shop in Auckland know as the Hog Farm.
It was a pretty dodgy place, but hey I was 19 and not scared of any one (Gulp!)
So I pull up outside of said Hog Farm, go to put my foot down, and yep the R/H leg of the bell bottoms was hooked over the kick start lever.
Down I went :confused:
I for got to mention, this place was run by the Hells Angels, any way this six foot tall HA picks me up by the collar and stands me up.
It obviously entertained the assembled crowd of "Six Foot tall Hells Angels" as I was given a beer and said "you'll be O.K. Boy".

Phew ! :eek::D