most bikers (riders)are a brothers of an unwritten code ,they do whatever they can to help each other out,be it getting dirty helping each other wrench,fix their bikes,giving,getting gas for ones that cant read their fuel gauges,directions for good rides,or lost riders, giving advice or encouragement (like so many on this site)(my favorite is:dont ask how I know this)it does take someone special to help
( someone who just did something stupid) who"s crashed and bleeding on the side of road that you don't even know tip my hat to you for helping them but even more for going to hospital to give them a little peace of comfort hope you didn't encourage them not to ever ride again (although some just should not)but to ride within their capabilities pretty sure youre good deed will be paid back to you,hope they take youre advice and help the next one whoever may need it be it a "biker"or not. I assume he had proper gear on or would have been worse or he had no passenger; you get this weeks help each other out award