A Really Bad Day.ect

Sonny, thanks for taking care of the other rider. Even the un-smart riders deserve a friend in need. I figure I do not need to tell them how dumb they were, they probably have that one down by the time come to a stop.
The stress you feel now is something only you can over come. Being a Combat Rescue guy myself, I have seen many unfortunate sceens and I can't tell you how to deal with it. Each of us are different. You did the right thing in stopping to help him and may have given him more than first aid. You may have given him hope.
My hats off to you and I will left my mug towards Oklahoma tonight as I salute you brother.
Just found the thread, like the others say, kudos for helping a fellow rider in distress even if he was a show off, will see you sunday if it don't rain but looks like it will:(
Will they just postpone the toy run till the following weekend mexican? Seems to me that would be common sense with that many bikes that normally participate.
Good for you for doing the right thing and helping out. I hope the people in the cars, that didn't stop, need help some day and everyone treats them the same way.
Hitting a deer is one of my biggest fears riding around here in the Fall. Came across a group stopped on the side of the road a few years ago. Turned out one of them had been hit by a Deer. They were on the phone with 911 as I stopped. The problem was, they were not local and had no idea where they were. Thankfully I was able to direct the dispatcher.
It pays to be a little more careful sometimes, that's for sure.
Update: went to the hospital yesterday to see the guy, his wife called me and asked if I could stop by and see him. Two broken ribs, broken leg, and bruised up all over. Turns out the goldwing is his first and last bike. He only had 3,000 miles on the bike and has owned it for a little over a year. They tried to give me some money for helping but we refused. I told both of them if you want to reward me the next time you see a motorcyclist sitting on the side of the rode stop and asked if they need some help. Kind of got the impression that they are very thankful I stopped and helped. Going up to the hospital helped out a lot. Been riding all week back and forth to work but still very careful while riding. Taking it a bit easier especially at night riding home. Still a little rattled but getting over it.
most bikers (riders)are a brothers of an unwritten code ,they do whatever they can to help each other out,be it getting dirty helping each other wrench,fix their bikes,giving,getting gas for ones that cant read their fuel gauges,directions for good rides,or lost riders, giving advice or encouragement (like so many on this site)(my favorite is:dont ask how I know this)it does take someone special to help
( someone who just did something stupid) who"s crashed and bleeding on the side of road that you don't even know tip my hat to you for helping them but even more for going to hospital to give them a little peace of comfort hope you didn't encourage them not to ever ride again (although some just should not)but to ride within their capabilities pretty sure youre good deed will be paid back to you,hope they take youre advice and help the next one whoever may need it be it a "biker"or not. I assume he had proper gear on or would have been worse or he had no passenger; you get this weeks help each other out award