Kudos to you and Lupe for doing the right thing, sonny! You may have very well saved a life by being a good samaritan.
I experienced something very similar about 7-8 years ago except that the victim was someone that was riding in a mixed group of common friends, someone I had never met before, and he went down in the twisties right in front of me, severely injured. The guys in the lead didn't even know what had happened behind them for a good while and the other two behind me were to squeamish to go anywhere near the downed rider until emergency help could arrive.
Therefore, I played paramedic for nearly 1/2 hour before help arrived, we all followed the meat wagon to the hospital until the poor guy was out of the woods and it literally took me a couple of weeks to shake the whole experience off, yet add it into my mental catalog of things not to do when upon two wheels.
He had overshot a sharp turn in the middle of some excellent switchbacks, scraped pegs in the middle of a a sharp apex, stood the bike up and was unable to get back to the lean angle which would have allowed him to stay in and finish the turn. He shot outside the apex onto the shoulder and into deep woods, narrowly missing a bunch of trees that could have killed him, slammed into a road sign stanchion, just about like someone swung an axe full force into his leg just below the knee. His BMW R1200 simply shattered into hundreds of bits and pieces, seemingly in slowmo as I watched his demise unravel just ahead of me.