Ok so step one of all this is freeing the beating heart from Mufasa and validating it's healthy.
I started stripping the carcass down today. I was trying to get to the cam cover so I could check clearances and verify the cams didn't fracture from the impact. Sadly...1 fing cam cover bolt (the last one, and sadly the hardest to reach) striped so.... I can't do that stuff until the engine is free.
Que me removing a bunch of stuff. Engine mounting bolts are all cracked loose but still in place as I'm not quite ready to pull it.
I did remove the crank cover and turn it over by hand, spins freely I can hear/feel the compression events so I suspect the rotating stuff is all ok, but there may be damage thats not apparent.
What I do know is I'm going to have to pull the head for inspection. I see some stuff unspecified for now suspect stuff...
Some pics:
8mm bolt for scale on the scratches the case took from the work of art foot peg rail.
Exhaust side, all ok over here. Red color on ports is RTV. Red color on valves is MMT not rust.
1 stubborn bolt stops this from coming off
Throttle Bodies are undamaged and removed
I think I could pull a rocket engine in about an hour at this point if cheese metal bolts don't fail....
Radiator, somehow, is sound still but it's bent. Won't be reusing it.