A blast on number 547 TFC.

My chief mechanic said nearly the same thing after takin* that same course in Atlanta.
The engine has a huge potential, so I'm told , but In true British fashion , the powers that be decide that people can't be trusted with too much grunt . Especially now they have made the bike so much lighter and more nimble .
I think the pioneering spirit of new and potentially new owners ( @Paul Bryant ) , will soon overcome this and future power gains will become significant ! There is no reason for a Diavel to eat a new R3 , other than the reasons of restriction built in by us safety conscious Brits . Infact , with the items we can no longer buy in this country , on the grounds that we may hurt ourselves , Im surprised they ever built the new R3 at all ?
We are being moulded into what you Mericans would call a nation of snowflakes . There will always be exceptions to the rules tho !
Yep snowflakes and sheep
Isn't it funny , how many Fellow Brit bikers you talk to , who say " Oh I could never own one of them , I would end up killing myself " ! These people need culling . They are the reason a Diavel will eat a new R3 !
Yes it is,all FUN is slowly being sucked out of all our lives