8 years old 5000 miles and no service history - where to start.

DO NOT trust the tyres, if they have been exposed to too much sun light they could be somewhat deteriorated.....
I would change them regardless....sun or no.

You guys do see where he is from well he has Glasgow in his handle, so Glasgow is in Scotland and I can guarantee you that the tyres do not have any sun damage
Check ALL Rubber components for cracking this includes vacuum lines, fuel lines definitely change oil and filter, coolant and also change the fuel filter which is inside the tank while you have it open use a inspection scope to examine the inside of tank for rust or other contaminants, also flush the brake calipers and lines, when next take the rear wheel of remove the bevel box (diff) and grease the splines on drive shaft use only a high grade 60% Molly grease there are arrivals/ threads covering most maintance related items here but you will need to do a search, you find there are a lot of good guys here only to happy to help you.
Oh and Welcome to Rocket ownership from one of the Aussies here, Cheers
Hi David,

I think all I can add to that is welcome to the forum. Unless you're friendly with the dealer I reckon they's want to charge you for everything they could and it will cost a fortune.

History in reality is just a modern worry. Bikes never came with history. You bough them for what they were and fixed them up as you needed to. However, some of the basics the guys have recommended are worth doing.

Other than that enjoy your new ride and take it easy until you're sure all's well with both you and the bike.

Hi Guys, thanks for the sound advice.... who says there's no sunshine in Glasgow!! Just because my skin is blue and turns white in the summer New rubber is on the agenda, taking off a car tire and putting on the Metz. Read the forum comments on the dark side but just don't like the feel of going flat into a bend (of which we have a few in Scotland). Anyway, thanks again for the input. Keep safe.
Thanks Hans, worked with SANTOS Pty Ltd for a while, took a bunch of marauding Ozzies down through Kyrgyzstan into Tajikistan looking for Oil n Gas which the Russians missed.... oh what a hoot.... A scotsman in charge of the security of Australians... what could go wrang....
given the choice bridgestone exedra max for the rear or avon would be a much better choice of tires by a long shot. same for the front