5.75 Daymaker alternatives?

J.W. Speaker do not sell the Daymaker, it has to be purchased through Harley Davidson.
For the Roadster and Touring, they do sell the older 8700 models and 863 for the Roadster.
The new leds are the 8690 Adaptive and 8691 Non Adaptive.
For the Touring, the 7" would be the 8791 Adaptive and Non Adaptive.

Unless you test with a light meter on a outdoor grid with no ambient light and plot the beam at 3.2 lux (.3 candel Power) you will NOT know and understand what distance objects are discernible to the human eye. The object's contrast also has to be factored in.
When I test, I use a neutral gray contrast. Darker toward black = shorter distances and lighter toward white = longer distances.
I have been running daymakers on both my R3s since 2013 and I can tell you that there is no comparison between a daymaker (or JWS) and the chinese knockoffs. I've seen and riden behind both and the name brand stuff is far superior. In addition, there are some of the chinese versions that do not match the internal mounting ring on the headlight bucket. Go with the good stuff...your life might depend on it
You'll have fun testing the adaptives as they only adapt if the bike moves. but imo - worth every penny.
You'll have fun testing the adaptives as they only adapt if the bike moves. but imo - worth every penny.

Granted! The motor must remain vertical with rider aboard for grid testing.
The adaptive part should be more a function of additional illumination to the side while turning and will be judged sufficient or not by the rider. There is no way I can think to test lighting in a variable lean with variable g-forces compressing variable suspension.
I hope to get mine mounted before the spring season - heck, they be nearly a year old already in the box!
WHO gives a #hit
FYI I have been in contact with TruBeam and their lights are gaurenteed for life, the others are a year, at least the daymakers, haven't looked into JW much. I'm sure the insurance is included with the TruBeam cost, but hey -hit happens. Also you can run low and highs at the same time withthe TBs. JTYOTK.

When I bought mine via the UK disributor - JWS - Life - it's why I bought JWS direct and not Harley. TB only guaranty the LED for life btw. TB are hibrids - it's interesting as the dip seems to be (at least in part) reflector, as TruckLite, and the mains refractor as JWS. It's not a bad idea imo.

It been said before but the EVO JWS improved Main beam considerably over the original 8700. And I seriously doubt the HD stock halogens are better than a Truck-Lite. Actually I know they're not. Unless HD halogens are suddenly better than Hella.

It's all a bit of a price/performance issue.
BUT - If you want them to light up the bends well when cranked over - today all there is are the JWS-Adaptives.
Yes they're expensive - So is a set of good pipes, PCV (whatever) etc.......But the minute you have used adaptive for any period of time without fixating on the "wow! factor" then it's very hard to ride without them. I now miss the "bends lighting" function on the car.
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