It’s a huge dilemma sending parts off your bike across the Atlantic, I sent an oil pump from an Indian PP100 to the state’s to be “ upgraded “, it came back performing worse than the original and just to rub salt in , customs charged me import duty on my original parts even though it was clearly marked on the packaging what the contents were!
Absolutely no reflection on Robinson’s as they clearly do great work, is there really nobody doing this kind of undercutting work here in the UK? If so it would be a lot easier to purchase the upgraded 4 th gear and associated clips and have it reworked here.
It's the customs duty as you say and what if it went missing in transit that make me somewhat hesitant to be honest. If Robinson were this side of the pond I would be more comfortable with it. Last night I was pondering if dogs are rounded and dog rings or gears w/ dogs need replacing, well I could order those from Triumph and slide them on the shaft myself. It's not like it was popping out of gear before.
(This is nothing to down play Robinson, it's because I am a bit of a tight arse unless I'm really decided on where I will spend money, as money is hard earned. Then once I make up my mind it's like money no problem. Like I'll save a pound on a circlip but spend a grand on some other gizmo). Also the bike is worth what 5-6k?
There is another underlying issue that I need to get to the bottom of unrelated to engine, handling seems affected since I got knocked off and had a 15 mph lowside. Engine bars took most of the impact but something might be out of true. I'll put up another thread about this item as it's a whole other thing.
So do I go down the road of putting more money into the bike?
But as I'm typing this now it's helping me clarify a plan. I do love that Rocket.
Shafts do need looking at by a gearbox engineer in person, it's the first time I'm seeing dogs outside of a photo, so I don't know what is bad and what isn't really. Robinson by the sounds of it, with other members reports, have the experience with Rocket transmission. They have designed a modification to the shafts by cutting the circlip groove deeper and using a deeper circlip. Also the backcutting which suits another idea I have for TTS supercharger addition.
See my thinking switches from asking should I not replace a circlip to save £2 to spending proper moolah and back and forth.
So I'm going to spend some money and this is the order.
1. Put swingarm/bevel box/rear wheel back on and get frame/headstock/forks checked
2. 'Send input and output shafts to Robinson'.
3. Order new fork, detent wheel, maybe other bits
4. Supercharge with TTS kit now it's got transmission to handle it
5. Make a mental note to change what seems to be a habit I have of doing clutchless upshifts when pootling around on the Rocket as that might of caused it. Years of riding silky smooth VFRs and Blackbirds made me develop that habit.
Item 4 may or may not happen. Gotta make my mind up about that