3D Modeling and Parts Fabrication

Thanks for checking on that Steve, it's much appreciated. If you get the chance to scan in the Roadster then do it. Since we don't know what file format his 3d scanner puts out, I can send a list of formats I can work with when we get closer to that time. I'd like to get a Touring scanned in as well if it's an option.

I know that some of those 3d files can be enormous, but I think we can find a way to transfer large files. I'm thinking torrent software right now, but I have a few other cards up my sleeve as well. I think it's a hurdle we can clear when we get to it.
Okay how many will we need I say about one trillion:D
Far as I know, the scanner is used on a 4 to 6 foot tripod.
I would think it would take several scans of a motor from different locations and then combine them.
I would think that if you wanted to duplicate parts you would need seperate scans of the individual parts.
Have you seen this web site? I tried to use their wireframe Rocket pic for a shirt once and located this source.

3D model of Triumph Rocket III Roadster 2013

"-3D model based on a real motorcycle, created according to the original dimensions.
- All main parts of the model are separated objects. You can easy change all materials.
- We provide several formats for each model, most of them available by default."

Looks like they have Rhino & Sketchup formats.