As some of you know, I work in 3D modelling software for a living. I've been watching a lot of threads lately in which people are talking about the exorbitant price or unavailability of certain trim elements. I think that if I had a detailed model of a stock bike, or a 3D scan of the part, or basically any other way of getting the bike into the computer, I could model the parts that are no longer available and potentially fabricate them as well.
Does anyone have a lead on where a 3D model of a modern Rocket could be located? (I've done a cursory google search and it looks like a relatively decent '13 roadster model is available online, but other leads are appreciated)
Does anyone have access to a 3D scanner of any size?
If I were to go through with modeling trim pieces, who here would be interested in the fabricated results? I have access to 3D printers, so I feel like most plastic pieces could be really easily fabricated, but I also have access to a CNC router that may be able to make forms for vacu-forming or casting. I also know of several companies that I could export parts models to that would 3D print them in various metals for a price.
Let me know what you guys think about this.