2nd Ride on my R3T


.060 Over
Dec 1, 2008
I couldn't stand it anymore. My new bike's been sitting in my garage more than a week without me being able to ride. Arghhh! I finally decided to ride it to work Saturday afternoon. I needed to make a noontime drug prescription pickup and decided to swap vehicles for the return trip to work.

I noticed it difficult to go from 2nd to first gear. Is that normal? I do wish there were some sort of gear indicator. I kept trying to count as I shifted and wound up only with 4 gears a lot of the time. The bike didn't have much trouble off the line in 2nd but it would be nice to be able to find first.

It was just a very short 4-5 mile ride but it was my first at night in the dark. It sure gave me the sensation of riding a beast. LOL
Hi Bob,

Congratulations on your new bike.

My R3T, with 4,000 miles, has never had a problem shifting to first although once in a while I have trouble finding neutral.

I rode for an hour yesterday and took notice at how smooth it was at 65; virtually no vibration. Nice...

Have fun with your new ride.

That quirk is well documented by new owners in all forums Bob. It does take a while for the trans to break in and get smoother to 1st. My brother said the same thing and I have 12000 on mine but he is a scooter head and said it has too much for him. The next thing to watch out for is the linkage on the shifter coming loose. You'll want the dealer to put some locktite on it if that happens. I brake by downshifting and rear braking and have no issues as I have gotten used to it and like anything the beast does have its little quirks
Same as what Baggage1 said, but I'd like to add when you go in for that first oil change (600 miles) and they change out the "break in " oil, and add the full synthetic blend you should notice an easier shift routine.
Take a quick check of your clutch free play adjustment. Maybe they didn't get it right on the set up. Mine seems pretty sensitive to a proper adjustment.
A first oil change is often said to lessen the difficulty. In fact, I find it's an indicator of a needed oil change. Whether the initial oil fill is full synthetic is news to me. I do believe, the shifting into 1st will take awhile to become as smooth as all others. At 24k I find no issue any longer though the oil change indicator isn't expected for another 4k. Finding neutral (an age old method): A brief forward motion, after rolling rearward or upon a breaking stop make finding neutral a cinch. The forward momentum upon coning to a halt, imo, sets all the looseness in the rear of the gearing. By simply releasing the clutch momentarily, neutral is a easy to find. If it's too much to handle, try a Ridley: automatic motorcycle, ridley motorcycle, no shifting

If someone sold you a pair of shoes and told you that you had to wear them for a month before they become comfortable what would be your response? I just invested $20,000 in this pair of shoes. If you want to start throwing insults be ready to catch some flack.

Yo Bob you bought a triumph. Its not a pecision jap bike. It will get better.Wait till ya have some real problems. Cam chain sprockets, output shaft bearing,ECM problems ETC. Are you Xchoppers brother???? Wait till your dealer tells you you need your clutch master cylinder rebuilt. AHA Have you thought about a Boss Hogg?

Sorry, I just mentioned one small problem and it's suggested I buy an automatic transmission motorcycle. Been there, done that. My first bike was a 1980 Honda CM400A automatic.

As far as the R3T my only wish is that it proves to be as good as my BMWs. I know what I bought in the Rocket. Give me a chance to ride a few miles before jumping down my throat already.