2nd Gear Blues

So Whats the Problem?
2nd gear and the selector fork.
Ok I will add that to my references. Not everyone realizes you can bend a shifting fork shifting wrong. Of course I am not saying that is what you did just stating possibilities especially when your hitting it hard and in your case which is your right leg is probably bigger then my whole body
I think there is another fellow on thus site with his third go around of tranny problems and in looking at the parts list from the last two I was wondering if he has a fork problem? I could not believe they did not think of changing them the second time around. Do you know if yours had any signs of wear or if its was just bent?
The service writer said it was worn. He believes the clutch was set too tight from the shop.
Ok 23 days in the shop and still waiting on Triumph to authorize the warranty work. Is this how they treat all of their customers?
Dude...you know you got a ride. Just get your big a$$ to Houston and we'll worry about it later
I'll be there to ride to Galveston. Thanks brother, you're the best.
I've been trying to get them to loan me a Diavel until I get the R3 back.
I'll be there to ride to Galveston. Thanks brother, you're the best.
I've been trying to get them to loan me a Diavel until I get the R3 back.
STEEL one missed shift can spell disaster with the HP and TRQ the big Rockets produce youll bend a shift fork or round off the dogs on the gears