After Hanso's suggestion I went online to search. Pretty much found what you were saying about the "exact" sizes. The sites I was on didn't have the best reviews for the Bridgestones (sidewall issues?), but the Cobra was twice the price. Reviews did give the Cobra better grip, especially in the turns, but had slide out problems on hard braking? Never really want to do that, but always want to know I'll be safe (as possible) when I need to!
All that is caveat-ed with the fact they were multiple types of bikes and riders doing the reviews and only a few sites (sales). I think if you guys are riding the rocket on the Exerdra, and particularly if you've tried both, I'll take those reviews with a little more weight. Luckily, in no hurry! But I definitely fit the need for a "no brainer"
Also, didn't mean to highjack the dark side thread!!