2019 RAA West

LOL. I doubt that, I'm not THAT hard on fronts, Avon Cobra has lived 10k this far, and here's its current condition, wore on the shoulders much faster than the center:
What are you running for air pressure in that front tire?
38 PSI, set when cold (lesson learned from the back tire). I may need 40, but that seems awfully high for a 700lb rocket and 180lb rider.

I suspect the off center wear is due to spending very little time riding straight roads (except this trip lol). Even my trip to Montana was routed as curvy as possible.

I've never had a tire flat spot down the center, not even a hint of it if that says anything.
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We were headed West on I-10 while you were headed East on 90.

Met Rob and Steve @ the inn we're staying at. We'll meet again in Leakey.
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Next summer! June or July is my plan. The less chance of snow in the mountains the better. Nothing concrete yet.

July, july… after RAA East
mean no disrespect sure its going to piss a few off but here goes;the hell with RAA EAST come over to the RAA going on over here in Utah next year rest up here a few days and ride my neighborhood
Well it looks like I'm gonna be SO close, but no cigar. Truck spent this weekend in the shop, and that means I'll be in trucking the next 7 days. If any of you get up to Sweetwater either Thurs or Sunday evenings, hit me up, maybe we can ride around the block.

Maybe I'll make next year.

Sorry to hear the timing didn't work out.