We made it to Alpine - ride sux = strong 10 o'clock wind all daylong.
The Road 5 will arrive Kerrville on the 10th from RMATV.

Pefect. We can call and make sure it is there and make that ride. That ride was in your program so ddoodadee weee. Im watching Goliath sipping beer. Slowly loading the car and trailer.
It will reduce your need to keep the bike in the turn. Probably will last me 10k and you 3k miles.

LOL. I doubt that, I'm not THAT hard on fronts, Avon Cobra has lived 10k this far, and here's its current condition, wore on the shoulders much faster than the center:
20191007_183238.jpg 20191007_183229.jpg
Breeze, we gota visit you. Anthony is planning a 4 corners something. Perhaps I get to go with him and we can hit your place.
COME ON OVER Rob and Steve will testify I aint got much but while youre here its youres whens this going to happen? try to plan for my days off if it fits youre plans,better hurry winters on the way
COME ON OVER Rob and Steve will testify I aint got much but while youre here its youres whens this going to happen? try to plan for my days off if it fits youre plans,better hurry winters on the way

Next summer! June or July is my plan. The less chance of snow in the mountains the better. Nothing concrete yet.
@tribal We're leaving in the morning (Monday) for Big Bend and will stay two nights in Alpine. You gonna be in the neighborhood?

Which way did you go to Alpine?
You might have passed me.
I left the park at 2pm and was at the gas station in Marathon at around 3pm.
I then took rt90 East and made it to Del Rio.
Guess I should check these posts more often as my pass is good for the week.
Chisos Mountain was awesome.
Not much to see at the Rio Grand area but the ride was decent.