2019 RAA West

Ride with us.
I don't leave anyone behind.

Rick is overstating a little. I enjoy riding with others and do not race. I slow with age every year, but I do ocassionally get a little frisky but then I slow for all to catch up and hope those ahead of me will do the same.
There will be time for hooning, but the group rides are priority for me.
Let's ride together!
I had added Tee's name, but when you updated the list her name was gone. I was just picking at you brother. You know not to take me seriously.

No problem Steel. I thought it was good time to report the attendance list and this was the one I found paging through the posts.

I know OllBull. This pack has always waited for me at the corners.... sometimes along time. For me it is kool to have and stay with a leader. It has helped me a lot with confidence that im not going to fall of the edge of earth, learning how to enter and exit turns and use the throttle and brakes to stay in the game.

I like riding with you, Ricardo, so do NOT be shy!
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