2019 RAA West

Is that clockwise on day one and anti-clockwise on day two? Just to get the feel of the road from both directions perhaps?

Ps. It's only 71 days to go!!

DAY_1 would be better counterclockwise as the bar stop near Leakey would best for the finish.
I reckon the DAY_2 to be best either direction as the best stuff gets ridden each direction.
I put Day_2 second as it is the most challenging.
I will probably do something like this Saturday. It'll likely be my only riding day in Leakey.

Google Maps

If you can do only one day on Saturday, then which one do you want to do?
I'll do it with you and we'll try to get the others on board as well.

Posting here to keep the riding plans in one page.

GOC; Day 1 Google Maps
Day 2 Google Maps

For those who have not been to Leakey or ridden with this pack. Spirited means never ride bellow twice the speed limit. If there is a wiggly sign with a 20mph suggested speed, they approach it at 60... not kidding.
Is there a recommended number of spare pairs underwear to take with you each day?
If you can do only one day on Saturday, then which one do you want to do?
I'll do it with you and we'll try to get the others on board as well.

I am thinking of doing the western loop (3 sisters) in the morning; Returning to Leakey for lunch and bio break of needed. Then do the Eastern loop after.
The only approach it at 60 because they are on big Rockets otherwise they'd be faster.
Is there a recommended number of spare pairs underwear to take with you each day?

GOC; at what time does you flight leave on Tuesday the 15th of October? We can still ride the morning and head back in the afternoon Monday, if weather is fair. Don't know if Steel is ridding there or taking his monster trailer and which day he has to return. Just trying to sqweeze one more ride in your vacation.
Return flight details below:

15 Oct 2019 - 16:10 - Houston Terminal D - 07:25* Heathrow Terminal 5 (plus 1 day) British Airways BA0194