Bought mine from the progressive web site. Been awhile but they were not expensive and believe one size fits all. Not sure on the later but believe if you want it a bit stiffer you could go with 10 wt vice 7 wt.
Bought mine from the progressive web site. Been awhile but they were not expensive and believe one size fits all. Not sure on the later but believe if you want it a bit stiffer you could go with 10 wt vice 7 wt.

There are different Progressive fork springs for different bikes.
I run Bel Ray 10# with my Progressive springs.
Works well for me.
I will be considering some cartridges for YurMama.
There are different Progressive fork springs for different bikes.
I run Bel Ray 10# with my Progressive springs.
Works well for me.
I will be considering some cartridges for YurMama.
Is there much difference in the Progressive springs vs the Hagon springs?
Progressive springs work great for me and I'm bigger than most. Run 10wt Bel Ray
At the moment I'm a Happy Meal away from 300 lbs. I noticed in MV that my front end dives way more than when new. About what do you weigh, and do you charge the corners hard? If you don't mind me asking. :D
At the moment I'm a Happy Meal away from 300 lbs. I noticed in MV that my front end dives way more than when new. About what do you weigh, and do you charge the corners hard? If you don't mind me asking. :D
Let's just say I'm a one man 2-up rider and like my Whataburger. I don't ride the rocket real hard. I save that for the more appropriate K1300s
At the moment I'm a Happy Meal away from 300 lbs. I noticed in MV that my front end dives way more than when new. About what do you weigh, and do you charge the corners hard? If you don't mind me asking. :D

I have the progressives with 7 weight oil & they’re plenty stiff with my 240 and Laura’s extra 50 even in the hard fast corners :D
I'm runni g Wilbers springs up front, they're very similar to the progressives.

It's about as firm as I would go on the front end, doesn't bottom under extreme braking yet I can use nearly the entire stroke.

What weight fork oil?