Getting the forks worked on. Springs, seals, 7 weight fork oil and new style roller bearings for the yoke to make Scott happy. Hope it does not come back to front stiff. I kind'a like the softy ride myself but it was tooo soft. Am I sounding like Sonny?
Getting the forks worked on. Springs, seals, 7 weight fork oil and new style roller bearings for the yoke to make Scott happy. Hope it does not come back to front stiff. I kind'a like the softy ride myself but it was tooo soft. Am I sounding like Sonny?
Getting the forks worked on. Springs, seals, 7 weight fork oil and new style roller bearings for the yoke to make Scott happy. Hope it does not come back to front stiff. I kind'a like the softy ride myself but it was tooo soft. Am I sounding like Sonny?
If it's too harsh Ill drop the front tyre pressure from 40 to 38 lbs. Most have advised for the 7 wt. oil so I bought that. Well see.
BTW Claviger; 63V in tps and 75V in the stepper, 620/610/610 on the bodies works very well on my 97 Classic. Idle is at 950, too high. How low can I go without risking lack of oil pressure at idle?
Getting the forks worked on. Springs, seals, 7 weight fork oil and new style roller bearings for the yoke to make Scott happy. Hope it does not come back to front stiff. I kind'a like the softy ride myself but it was tooo soft. Am I sounding like Sonny?
Replaced bearings and races awhile back. Proper tools a must have for that project. Stock yoke bearings were a joke. Packed new bearings with Lucas marine grade green lube. No issues since then and high speed wobble long gone. Progressive springs and makes for a smooth and stable ride. Your going to like it much better than what came stock with the bike. I have a brand new stepper motor in the shed. Maybe this winter will install but for now having the stepper motor disconnected but still wired is working out rather well. Idles great.
Might not win any popularity contest but i am still on for this run. Owe you a couple of beers of your choice Steve. Looking forward to meeting the ones i have not met yet and those that i have met looking forward to seeing again. Should be a solid run.